Falls Prevention Awareness Day

Fall Prevention Awareness Day

Fall Prevention Awareness Day

Falls Prevention Day is observed every year on September 22, marking the start of the fall season. Raising awareness about the risk of falls among seniors is important as falls are the leading cause of injuries that result in emergency department visits, highlighting a significant public health concern. Common injuries from falls include hip fractures and head trauma, which can even be fatal, making it essential to protect the elderly from such risks.

In this article, we will explore the history and timeline of Falls Prevention Awareness Day, identify common causes of falls, discuss the consequences of falling, and share ways to celebrate this day with loved ones, friends, and the community. Additionally, we will present some key facts about this important observance.

Falls Prevention Awareness Day History

There are many factors that contribute to falls among the elderly, including poor eyesight, diminished coordination, and muscle deterioration. In late 1972, a psychology professor named Dr. Andrew Dibner sought to address this issue. He developed an emergency response system designed to assist seniors who might become injured and unable to reach a phone for help. In 1976, he was awarded a patent for Lifeline Systems, a groundbreaking invention that provided a vital safety net for older adults, giving their families peace of mind knowing that help was just a call away.

In 1987, Isaac Shepher introduced Life Alert, a device that could be worn as a necklace or wristband. This innovative system featured an automatic dialer connected to a telephone line, further enhancing accessibility for seniors in need. Over time, more emergency systems have been developed, making it easier than ever for elderly individuals to receive assistance when required.

By the 1990s, Life Alert had gained significant recognition, largely due to its memorable commercial featuring a woman who fell and used a medical alert pendant while famously stating, “I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” This iconic line propelled the brand into the spotlight, allowing it to reach more households across the United States.

In 2007, four state fall prevention coalitions took the initiative to observe Falls Prevention Awareness Day at the state level. The following year, the Falls Free State Coalitions on Falls Prevention Workgroup proposed that this awareness day be designated as the first day of fall. Since then, numerous states have collaborated to tackle this critical public health issue, recognizing that injuries resulting from falls can be severe. To address this concern, they partner with various medical professionals and advocates to develop effective solutions.

Timeline for Falls Prevention Awareness Day

It is important to recognize the history of Falls Prevention Awareness Day as it took a lot of work and dedication to get to where it is today. Here is a timeline of the events that lead to the creation of Falls Prevention Awareness Day:


  • 1972 – A great life-saving idea was created:

A gerontologist by the name of Dr. Andrew Dibner invented the life alert service in which an elderly person could call for help when they are not able to get to their phone. This is called the Automatic Alarm System.

  • 1976- Patent Pending:

Dibner was finally awarded the patent for the Lifeline medical alert services.

  • 1987 – Health and Fashion:

Isaac Shepher created what’s called the Life Alert, which is a medical alert pendant that can either be worn as a necklace or a wristband.

  • 1992 – Popularity of Life Alert:

The famous catchphrase from Life Alert was born and became memorable “I’ve fallen and can’t get up!”

  • 2008 – In the fall:

Falls Prevention Awareness Day was chosen to be the start of the fall season, and more states began to join as the years went by.

While understanding the history of Falls Prevention Day is valuable, it’s essential to recognize the common causes of falls and what happens following an incident. Additionally, knowing how to celebrate this day with your elderly loved ones can enrich the experience.

Common Causes of Falls

Falls can occur for a variety of reasons, including Vitamin D deficiency, balance difficulties, medications that impair cognitive function, vision problems, foot pain, and inadequate footwear. Falls can also be caused by the state of the home as they are more likely to occur in cluttered or poorly lit areas. Talk to your elderly loved ones to determine what puts them at risk of falling and help them make sure their home is well-lit and free of trip hazards. 

What Happens After Someone Falls?

Falls can lead to a variety of injuries such as bruises, cuts, broken bones, and head injuries. If a senior has fallen, take the following steps to help them:

  • Look for injuries such as bleeding, bruising, swelling, and broken bones. If the senior is bleeding or in pain, call 911 immediately.
  • If the senior does not appear seriously injured, you can help them get up. Start by getting them into a comfortable position, such as rolling on their side or getting into a kneeling position. Put a chair near them so they can slowly lift themselves onto the chair before attempting to stand up. If they experience pain while trying to get up, have them lay back down and call for help.
  • Treat minor injuries like cuts and bruises with bandages and ice packs. You should also make sure they stay hydrated.
  • Look for the cause of the fall. If they tripped over something, remove the trip hazard to prevent another fall.

Observing Falls Prevention Awareness Day with Elderly Loved Ones

Being aware of Falls Prevention Day is important but taking proactive steps to help prevent falls for an elderly loved one, friend, or neighbor is even more valuable. Here are several actions you can take:

  • Spend some time with the elderly relative or friend:

Always ensure that your elderly loved one feels your presence and support. At times, they may perceive themselves as a burden to you. It’s important to reassure them that you are there for anything they might need and encourage them to prioritize their own well-being.

  • Celebrate Falls Prevention Day with activities that educate:

There are numerous state and national initiatives you can get involved in. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) offers various ways to celebrate this day through education, advocacy, and community-based fall prevention programs. Stay informed and engaged and help raise awareness about this crucial issue.

  • You can become an activist for the elderly:

Numerous small adjustments can significantly enhance the quality of life for the elderly. Take a moment to assess both your home and community, considering how the environment affects daily living. Look for stairs lacking handrails, bathtubs that may be slippery and could benefit from mats, and uneven flooring. It’s essential to address these issues to create a safer and more comfortable space for older adults.

Facts about Falls Prevention Awareness Day

To understand how important this day is for preventing falls in the elderly, here are some facts that illustrate the danger of falls:

  • There is an adult 65 and older that falls every second in the United States
  • The medical costs of falls that require medical treatment were more than $31 billion in 2015
  • There are more than 3 million older adults that are treated for fall injuries every year
  • Falls are a common cause of traumatic brain injuries
  • Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury or death worldwide

Professional Senior Care from Assisting Hands Home Care

Elderly Fall Prevention Frisco Texas

All seniors are at risk of taking a devastating fall and the risk only increases with age. For Falls Prevention Awareness Day, take the time to talk to your elderly loved ones about their risk of falling and what you can do to make their home safer. Even a few minor steps can reduce the risk of falls and spare your loved ones from the injuries they cause.

If you are still concerned about the risk of falls even after taking action to prevent them, you can further ensure the safety of your loved ones with professional home care. At Assisting Hands Home Care, we provide comprehensive elderly care services to ensure that seniors get the personal care and assistance they need to live safely at home. As part of our elder care services, we can help reduce the risk of falls by assisting your loved ones as they move around the home and keeping paths clear of tripping hazards.

Our highly trained caregivers at Assisting Hands Home Care provide top-notch in-home care services to seniors in FriscoPlanoAllenLittle ElmProsper, TX, and the surrounding areas. You can learn more about our full range of senior home care services by calling (214) 609-1340.